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Watch out for this Social Security scam

Social Security Commissioner Martin O’Malley advised Americans not to fall “this stunt” regarding a cost-of-living adjustment.

Patients’ trust still matters to Las Vegas doctor

Even after 30 years as a physician – Dr. Marietta Nelson now runs The Eye Clinic of Las Vegas – she finds the doctor-patient relationship awe-inspiring.
Never, she says, can she take lightly that someone entrusts his own or his child’s well-being to her.

Tennis foundation helps net scholarships for valley students

The Marty Hennessy Junior Tennis Foundation offers local kids an opportunity to learn the game of tennis. In return, they have to become upstanding young people. Members are expected to volunteer with the foundation, perform community service, be stellar students and act as mentors for younger kids.

UC San Diego Health System arrives with purposeful quiet

If you’re looking for a sign of the UC San Diego Health System Nevada Cancer Institute in Las Vegas, you’ll have about as much luck as you would have looking for a sign of Bigfoot.
And that’s just the way new CEO Mickey Goldman wants it – for now.