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Watch out for this Social Security scam

Social Security Commissioner Martin O’Malley advised Americans not to fall “this stunt” regarding a cost-of-living adjustment.

Seat-belt campaign works to educate parents, ethnic groups

It almost seems trite to remind someone to wear a seat belt these days. Yet, it’s still a task either overlooked or disregarded daily by thousands of Americans. As a result, some pay with their lives, many of them children.

Quackery or cure? It’s sometimes hard to tell

When Las Vegan Rick Tope showed me a bottle of Canker Cure – pills he advertises as preventing and healing painful canker sores in the mouth – I noted some ingredients had been crossed out with a black pen.
“I have better ingredients now,” he said. “I don’t want to tell you for proprietary reasons … there’s amino acids, too.”

Prevent ‘chair death’ by working to challenge your glutes

Imagine never taking your dream car out for a ride. It just stays in the garage. Eventually, the air seeps from the tires and the gasoline becomes stale. And for some reason, you’re OK with it. Tragic, right?!
Your butt muscles are the same way

HEALTH Q&A: Toddler’s taste

Q My toddler will not eat meat. Are there alternatives I can offer him to provide protein in his diet?

Las Vegas sisters share the gift of life through transplant

It was a miracle, the sisters remember, that the doctors seemed to make so routine.
On March 7, 2011, during medical procedures at University Medical Center, a kidney was removed from Darlene Graham and then transplanted into her sister Sharon Zink.
“The whole thing went just the way they said it would,” Sharon recalled.

Success of Las Vegas transplant program lost on pols

I watched as a transplant surgeon sewed a new kidney into George McLaurin Jr.
Almost immediately after McLaurin received the kidney in 2009, it produced urine and Dr. John Sorensen matter of factly delivered the good news to the operating team: “The kidney is working.”