Ten secrets for grilling perfection

From the way the charcoal briquettes are arranged to finding that perfect set of tongs, every home grilling expert has his or her secrets. For many, grilling goes beyond just a practical warm-weather cooking method and it becomes more of an art form.

Budget-savvy summer travel tips

More than half of vacationers this summer will alter their summer driving leisure plans because of gas prices, according to a recent study by the U.S. Travel Association. Rather than changing family vacation plans, simply perform some proactive vehicle maintenance to ease the pain at the pump and get the most out of your gas tank. Here is what you need to know.

Suspect in strangulations draws attention from Mississippi, federal authorities

The Metropolitan Police Department’s investigation into Nathan Burkett, accused of multiple strangulations in Las Vegas, has opened eyes in Mississippi and may have caught the attention of the FBI, the Las Vegas Review-Journal learned Thursday. Las Vegas police accuse the 65-year-old Burkett of slaying two valley women, the first in 1978.

Zombie flash mob kicks off Star Trek convention

About 30 friends donned Star Trek outfits and makeup to perform a living dead flash mob Thursday, the first day of a convention of Star Trek fans at the Rio. Organizers expect about 20,000 at the convention, which marks its 11th year in Las Vegas. It ends Sunday.

Cancer institute’s new medical director vows to increase clinical trials

Dr. John Sweetenham, former director of clinical research at the Cleveland Clinic, has been named medical director at the University of California, San Diego Nevada Cancer Institute. Sweetenham’s arrival is an indication that the institute, bought by the California institution six months ago, will start to raise its profile in the community.

Regional Transportation Commission requests revised contract proposal

After praising negotiations between union officials and collective bargaining staff, the Regional Transportation Commission sent a five-year employee contract proposal back to the drawing board Thursday. Commissioners cited concerns about the length of the contract and the fairness of offering perks, such as cost-of-living increases and merit and longevity pay, which other local entities have cut.

Two nurses reject plea deals in hepatitis C case, may face murder charges

Two nurse anesthetists charged with Dr. Dipak Desai in the hepatitis C criminal case on Thursday rejected plea deals offered by prosecutors. Defense attorneys said prosecutors indicated they would present murder evidence against Keith Mathahs, 76, and Ronald Lakeman, 65, to a grand jury if plea agreements weren’t struck this week.

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