Sneaker attack: ShoeZeum plans late August debut

Paris has its Musée du Louvre. New York offers the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Spain’s gift to world culture is the Museo del Prado.

CDC to baby boomers: Get tested for hepatitis C

The worst health scare in Southern Nevada may give local residents a leg up on CDC’s advice that baby boomers get tested for hepatitis C.

New EPA rule could extend life of Nevada coal-fired plant

A coal-burning power plant 50 miles north of Las Vegas has been granted new life by federal regulators one week after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared it a “dirty relic” that should be shut down.

Ex-porn star Jenna Jameson pleads guilty to DUI

Former adult film star Jenna Jameson has pleaded guilty to driving under the influence when she struck a light pole in Southern California.

Top Sandoval aide Gansert resigns

Gov. Brian Sandoval’s chief of staff Heidi Gansert on Thursday announced she’s resigning, saying the time is right as the governor’s office begins preparing its agenda for the next legislative session in 2013.

Clark County School District’s new teachers face uncertainty

Teacher orientation happens at the start of every school year, but the conversations are a little different after a year of budget upheaval that ended in layoffs. High-demand teachers in subjects such as math feel a little security that other teachers do not.

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