NASA rover lands on Mars after ‘seven minutes of terror’

The most high-tech Mars rover ever built has landed on the red planet. NASA says it received a signal from the Curiosity rover tonight after a plunge through the Martian atmosphere described as “seven minutes of terror.”

Nearly 30,000 see Real Madrid win exhibition in Las Vegas

Every time he touched the ball, they shrieked. And when Cristiano Ronaldo actually made an attempt at scoring, the decibel count rose to Beatles-esque proportions.

Exams, vaccines get Las Vegas kids ready for school

Given that scientists say one of the greatest public health victories of the last century was the discovery of safe and effective vaccines, it comes as little surprise to most parents in Nevada that children must have the appropriate vaccinations to attend school.

Medical providers should take heed

It may seem strange: Medical practitioners could learn a lot from Col. Rodolfo Meana. Yes, from him they could learn to really care about people. In Las Vegas, Meana will undoubtedly be remembered as the first to die from the 2007 hepatitis C outbreak.

To beat the waiting game at the gym, try dumbbells

If gym jerks hogging machines are a constant problem for you, then reach deep into your knowledge bag and pick up some dumbbells. Most machine exercises can be done with dumbbells.

HEALTH Q&A: Arthritis in women

Q Why is it that certain types of arthritis affect only women?

Put a wig on it: Nicki Minaj raps, dances, preaches

Nicki Minaj is a fireball rapper whose demographic is as wide-ranging as her wig collection. This was underscored toward the end of her 75-minute set at Planet Hollywood on Saturday, when she invited a number of her fans onstage to join her on the ribald “Bedrock.”

Las Vegas officer finds driver dead after pursuit

A Las Vegas police officer was in his patrol car in the central valley late Sunday afternoon when a Nissan Maxima that appeared to be steering itself ran through a red light.

As Eagle Scouts return medals, gay ban still firm

For the physician in Illinois, the attorney in Kentucky, the arts editor in Oregon, their Eagle Scout medals were treasured reminders of youthful achievement.

Sheen pledges donation to Cincinnati Reds fund

Actor Charlie Sheen, a lifelong Cincinnati Reds fan, has pledged to donate $50,000 to the team’s Community Fund, matching the amount broadcaster Marty Brennaman raised for charity.

Goshutes blast BLM study on Las Vegas water pipeline

The Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation (CTGR) plans to protest the Bureau of Land Management’s recommendation to approve a massive pipeline to carry water from rural counties along the Nevada-Utah line to Las Vegas.

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