VIDEO: Fans rank Top 10 fights in Star Trek history

About 20,000 attended the annual Star Trek Convention this weekend at the Rio. A discussion led by “One Trek Mind” author Jordan Hoffman debated the Top 10 all-time fights in Star Trek history. Yes, William Shatner is involved in at least one of them.

Want an Olympian’s nightstand? It’s on sale here

More than 1 million items from the athletes’ village in London and Olympic Park are on sale right now, and they’ll be ready for collection right after the Paralympic Games end in early September. Night stands? They got ’em. Beanbags? Yes.

Jennifer Aniston, Justin Theroux get engaged

Jennifer Aniston is ready to marry again: The actress is engaged to screenwriter and actor Justin Theroux. Aniston’s rep, Stephen Huvane, confirmed the engagement Sunday night to The Associated Press.

`Happy and glorious’ Olympics come to rocking end in London

With a little British pomp and a lot of British pop, London brought the curtain down on a glorious Olympic Games on Sunday in a spectacular, technicolor pageant of landmarks, lightshows and lots of fun.

Combat fatigue through diet, exercise, lifestyle changes

One of the most common health complaints patients have is that they don’t have enough energy to get them through the day. Unless someone’s lack of vigor is caused by a specific medical problem, however, there are ways to combat fatigue that have nothing caffeine or energy drinks.

Many used as unwitting lab rats

It’s painful to think about: There are doctors and scientists and businessmen and government officials who lie to people about the safety of work they’re asked to do.
As I talked with 70-year-old Oscar Foger, such behavior was front and center.

Kettle bells a good way to combine weight training, cardio

I bought my wife a kettle bell. She used it for a few days, then it became the best garage doorstop I’ve ever owned.
But as a trainer, I’ve found that kettle bells are a great way to combine weight training and cardio exercises.


Q What is VO2max and why is it important?

Ryan set for Las Vegas visit on Tuesday

Paul Ryan will visit Las Vegas on Tuesday, making his first campaign appearance in the battleground state of Nevada as Republican Mitt Romney’s vice presidential running mate, a source said Sunday.

Saturday health fair will kick off free back-to-school immunizations

The Southern Nevada Immunization and Health Coalition and its partners will sponsor back-to-school immunization clinics Aug. 18-25 to help families meet Nevada’s immunization requirements. Back-to-school events will begin with health fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Teamsters Local 631, 700 N. Lamb Blvd.

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