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Summer sandals: Pairing what we want with what we need

While stylish for men and women, you may be surprised to learn wearing most flip-flops can hurt or even injure your feet. The flip-flop, an icon of summer, has for decades been the easy choice for warm weather and weekends on the go; however, it isn’t always the most supportive or healthy choice. Though we’ve clearly learned to pair our summer wardrobes with wide-brimmed hats and sunscreen to protect our skin, we still tend to neglect our feet – an important part of our body that can contribute to serious health problems down the road if injured or broken down.

Accessorizing secrets for a beautiful home and a beautiful you

The fundamentals of good accessorizing are the same, regardless of whether you’re dressing up your house or spicing up your own look. Whether you have a knack for pulling together an outfit as easily as a room, or can’t quite seem to get it together, a few simple tips can help you enhance your style.

The man cave: Give Dad a space all his own

This Father’s Day, give Dad the ultimate gift and make him his own man cave. It’s easier than you think, and a thoughtful gift that says to Dad, “I love you, and you can run away from us now.”

Revealed: keys to getting kids to eat more veggies

Incorporating veggies into your family’s diet this summer can be easier than you ever thought. How? Creative parents know that adding flavor and making veggies a crunchy, fun treat can result in pleas for “more veggies please!”

Tap the hidden job market

The process of finding employment has quietly undergone an evolution. Job seekers are discovering that many positions are not posted to the public. In fact, the online career guidance resource Quintessential Careers reports that only 15 to 20 percent of available jobs post to newspapers, online job boards, or employment agencies. How can job seekers learn about these unadvertised jobs?