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Strategies for managing and reducing debt

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your monthly bills? Do you only pay the minimum on your credit cards each month, or use several credit cards to spread out your debt? These are all warning signs that your habits may be keeping you from reaching your financial goals. The good news is, you can take steps to manage your debt and gradually reduce it over time.

Pets make powerful partners in weight loss

Lives. Homes. Furniture. Even beds. People share a lot when a dog or cat is part of the family. Unfortunately, one trait that far too many owners and pets have in common is excess weight. The silver lining is that while many pets and their owners are tipping the scales, losing weight is something they can do together, as people and pets make great weight loss partners for reasons both scientific and psychological.

A clean HVAC system is a breath of fresh air for allergy sufferers

If allergy season has you sneezing and sniffling, you might believe you’re better protected inside your house than outside in the fresh air. Think again. In a typical six-room house, everyday living creates up to 40 pounds of dust every year, according to NADCA: The HVAC Inspection, Maintenance and Restoration Association.

More Americans choosing generic drugs

Have you ever gone to fill a prescription and the pharmacist asks if you’d like the generic version of the medication, perhaps reminding you that it is at a considerable cost savings over the brand-named drug? Or you’re told that your insurance will only cover the generic equivalent of what your doctor has prescribed? The first time this happens, you undoubtedly have many questions.