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Why air conditioning costs are heating up

You might wish that summer could go on and on – until it comes time to recharge your air conditioning system. The cost of the common refrigerant R-22 (also known as Freon), widely used in residential air conditioning systems, has already increased by more than 400 percent in the past 18 months and is expected to go even higher, making air conditioning repairs more costly for many.

New technology provides discreet hearing aid options

Despite the fact that many people have hearing loss, they often wait years to get help. Only one in five people who would benefit from a hearing aid actually wear one. Many people still think of hearing aids as the big, bulky models of the past. That couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, many of today’s top hearing aids reside inside the ear and are invisible to the naked eye.

River cruising: An easy way to explore and experience Europe

Europe is a popular destination for international travelers looking to visit the world’s great capitals such as Paris, Amsterdam and Prague; to experience European culture; and to explore charming small towns. But planning a European trip can be daunting because it involves a lot of research to decide where to go, how to get there, and what to see. River cruising offers an excellent solution to this travel challenge.

Tips to improve your indoor air quality

You pride yourself on keeping a clean home. The laundry is washed, the dishes are dry and the den where the children built their pillow fort has been restored to sanity. You’ve been vigilant about cleaning up the messes you can see, but what about the messes you can’t? What are you doing to improve the air quality in your home?

Breastfeeding moms: Tips for long-term success

No one argues the benefits of breastfeeding – 75 percent of babies start out being breastfed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The problem is that six months later, only 16 percent of babies are exclusively breastfed. What’s causing the significant drop off? Here is some insight and tips to help moms and the supportive family.

Keep money in your pocket when it comes to college textbooks

College is an expensive endeavor, and after tuition, costs can add up quickly for room and board, textbooks and supplies, and other living expenses. Of course, there are ways to reduce costs for many of these items, and college students are adept at applying for scholarships and grants, working multiple jobs and reducing expenses. When it comes to textbooks, however, it’s often hard for students to find discounts.

Can your child’s after-school program lead to a STEM career?

Learning doesn’t only happen in a classroom. Each year, millions of American children participate in after-school and summer camp programs that mix education with a healthy dose of fun. It’s important for parents to assess after-school or summer camp programs with a critical eye, and consider how successfully a program combines learning with fun and basic care.

Breakfast is more than the first meal of the day for kids

Most kids don’t want us to remind them that breakfast is the most important meal of the day as they’re running out the door to get to school on time. But they might be interested in hearing that eating a balanced breakfast will make them feel better, inside and out, contributing to better grades, better performance on the field and better nutrition choices throughout their days.

After-school smarts: Go healthy when kids go home

The hours between the end of the school day and bedtime are a golden opportunity for parents to help children build healthy and safe habits that will last a lifetime. Here are some simple and free ways to incorporate messages about eating well, staying safe and avoiding injuries while kids complete homework, participate in team sports or recreational activities, and relax with friends.