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To reduce Lyme disease risks, keep tick-carrying deer out of your yard

Colder weather’s arrival means homeowners across the country brace themselves for the battle against bold, foraging deer. But with recent reports that Lyme disease – transmitted by ticks that live on deer – is even more prevalent than health officials once thought, keeping deer away from your backyard is not just a cosmetic or financial issue any more. Your success at deterring deer could directly affect your family’s health.

Simple ways baby boomers can boost heart health

It’s rare to find a person who hasn’t been affected by heart disease in some way. As the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease – and how to avoid it – should be top of mind, especially for baby boomers. Beyond scary statistics, heart health is about being able to live life to the fullest for as long as possible.