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DIY decorating that lasts all season long

As the holidays roll around, it’s natural to want to spread good tidings and cheer with festive decorations like wreaths, candy canes and Santa Claus figurines. But this year, instead of digging out the same old holiday decorations, why not create some new looks that will last the entire winter season, even after you put away the gift wrap and ornaments?

Choose quality over quantity to create the bathroom of your dreams

While your dream bath may be a sprawling space, the reality is that the typical bathroom is 100 square feet or less. According to recent home builder statistics, the average home size has seen a 6 percent decline in recent years. That doesn’t mean you need to give up on your dream bath. A large bathroom footprint isn’t always the answer to a better bath. Focusing on quality products can create a luxurious look, even in a small space.

Rare cancer on the rise: Why the first signs are easily misdiagnosed

Intermittent abdominal pain, flushing and diarrhea are commonly associated with a number of medical conditions. Yet for some Americans these symptoms could actually be the sign of a rare form of cancer called neuroendocrine tumors (NET). Given the wide range of symptoms of NET cancers, it is important to raise awareness of this often misdiagnosed disease.

For patients with rare diseases, awareness can be life-changing

Facing a rare disease diagnosis wasn’t easy for Mary Ann Farley of Hoboken, N.J. Family and friends had never heard of the disease, her doctor had never treated a patient with it, and with little information and resources available, Mary Ann felt alone.

Finding strength along the caregiving journey

Caring for a loved one with an ongoing health condition can be a time-intensive and emotional journey. And while small successes and tiny triumphs can be treasured moments, daily tasks can take time away from sources of support, such as interactions with colleagues, spouses, children, friends and groups or clubs, resulting in a sense of isolation. Taking time to maintain friendships, connect with community and take care of oneself can help caregivers find strength to enjoy the milestone moments.