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Simple steps to paint like a pro

The difference between a professional paint job and a do-it-yourself job that looks like a pro painted it is surprisingly simple. As the old adage goes, the devil’s in the details. If you want that professional look while maintaining your DIY pride – and checkbook – take the time and effort to pay attention to often overlooked details.

Eating well at any age: How to fuel your mind, body and soul

It’s common knowledge that children should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, consuming all the nutrients needed to grow up strong. Many adults don’t know that it’s just as crucial to continue those healthy habits throughout adulthood and well into the “golden years.” Regardless of age, we should all make nutritious and sensible choices to promote peak physical and mental performance.

Tips to keep feet happy this holiday season

Holiday shopping, decorating, parties galore, and traveling to visit loved ones are all part of our holiday revelries. But while you’re making all that merriment, how happy are your feet? No one wants sore feet or injuries to slow them down during the holidays, so it’s important to care for the body parts that will carry you through all those seasonal celebrations and chores.

Give the gift of hope this holiday season

For most, childhood is a time of innocence. It is a time when wonder and excitement exist around every corner. Children view the world as an open book of infinite possibilities where they can be or do anything they want, limited only by their imagination.For children battling a life-threatening illness, childhood takes on a very different feel. Hospital stays, doctor visits and intrusive procedures replace playgrounds, activities and field trips. The usually carefree approach to each day gets tainted by concerns about health and the future. Learn how you can make a difference.