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This simple diet flex can lower risk of heart disease

What if a simple tweak to your diet could significantly reduce your risk of heart disease without requiring you to go entirely meat-free?

Is there an optimal time of day to work out?

It’s a long-standing discussion for all who want to get into shape. When is the best time to exercise? Morning and evening workouts both have their benefits.

Damage to covered oleanders may be minimal

Reports from the weather station at the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension orchard in North Las Vegas put the low temperatures Dec. 6 and 10 at 20 F with daytime highs around the same as the inside of a refrigerator. I am sure this caused some damage to plants. I posted the weather report on my blog for those interested.

No need to fertilize bougainvillea in this climate at this time of year

Q . Before the first freeze in Las Vegas what should I feed my bougainvillea? I have three plants, all in the ground. They are 6 years old and I wrap their bases before the freeze. They always come back come March and bloom beautifully August through October.

Dethatch lawn now before it gets colder

Q: Is it too cold to dethatch my Bermuda grass lawn? Do I have to wait until next year? What about overseeding? Is it also too late? If I need to wait, then when?

Pomegranates can vary in color – inside and out

Q: I planted a pomegranate tree two years ago and this year it produced six fruits. One was of decent size while the others were on the small side. When the large one split, I picked it only to find the inside was light pink. The seeds were well-developed but not the expected red color.

Area weather sours ability to grow sweet cherries

Q: I heard about a cherry tree from the Dave Wilson Nursery website that has very low chill hours. Can we order these from the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Orchard?

Elberta peaches should fare well in valley

Q: We have an Elberta peach that we harvest in August and the fruit is always small and on the mushy side. Are there better peaches we can grow?

Rabbit-proof fences protect gardens, landscapes

As I promised, here is an abbreviated version of the problem and solutions to rabbit vandalism in residential landscapes.

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