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Is there an optimal time of day to work out?

It’s a long-standing discussion for all who want to get into shape. When is the best time to exercise? Morning and evening workouts both have their benefits.

Mom’s dying wish granted two years after death

Before her death, an Iowa woman wrote a letter to be delivered to her husband when he fell in love again. The wishes in her letter have been granted, thanks to an Iowa radio station.

Wonder Girl: 10-year-old with cancer lives dream

First there was Batkid, but the latest child-come-superhero to make a name on the streets of California is a 10-year-old Vallejo girl who was diagnosed with leukemia in April.

Pastor defrocked for performing son’s gay wedding

The United Methodist church defrocked a pastor from central Pennsylvania on Thursday for violating doctrine by officiating his son’s gay marriage, leaving the minister shocked and upset that he could be punished for an “act of love.”

Time magazine names Pope Francis as Person of the Year

Time magazine selected Pope Francis as its Person of the Year on Wednesday, saying the Catholic Church’s new leader has changed the perception of the 2,000-year-old institution in an extraordinary way in a short time.

Year-end crunch biggest test yet for Healthcare.gov

President Barack Obama’s new and improved health care website faces yet another test in just a couple of weeks, its biggest yet. If HealthCare.gov becomes overwhelmed by an expected year-end crunch, many Americans will be left facing a break in their insurance coverage.

French morning-after pill not working for some women

A French contraceptive maker said Tuesday its morning-after pill doesn’t work when taken by women who weigh more than 176 pounds and plans to change its labels to warn patients.

CDC gives self good, bad marks on 7 ‘winnable battles’

About three years ago, the nation’s top public health agency picked its battles. Now, it’s issuing its own report card on reaching those goals: Pretty good but needs improvement.

Obama to allow sale of canceled health insurance plans

Bowing to pressure, President Barack Obama on Thursday announced changes to his health care law to give insurance companies the option to keep offering consumers plans that would otherwise be canceled.

FDA to ban artery-clogging trans fats

Heart-clogging trans fats have been slowly disappearing from grocery aisles and restaurant menus in the last decade. Now, the Food and Drug Administration will require the food industry to gradually phase out all trans fats.