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How to shop for dental insurance

Dental health is essential to overall health, affecting everything from our hearts to our mental well-being. Yet despite ample research that underscores the importance of taking care of our teeth, millions of Americans never go to the dentist. A lack of dental insurance is one of the top reasons Americans don’t keep up with their dental care.

Know your options when selecting a treatment for metastatic melanoma

After a diagnosis of metastatic melanoma, it can be difficult to understand the different treatment options that are available. Every case is unique and there is no single answer for which treatment may be best for you. But it is important to be an active participant in your own treatment journey, or that of your loved one, and understand the options that may be available. Having a discussion with your doctor can help determine the best path forward.

Ditch the New Year’s resolution and make 2014 a delicious, well-balanced eating revolution

The New Year’s resolution is an annual tradition for many Americans. But year after year, Americans throw themselves into a harsh new routine of extreme weight loss and diet, which leaves little room for success. In fact, 92 percent of those who set a resolution fall short of keeping it. This year, kick those New Year’s resolutions to the curb and revamp your lifestyle with a well-balanced eating revolution. What does this mean? Make small – and flavorful – changes to your daily routine to help you reach your goals and become a better you throughout the year. The following tips include new ways to prepare meals for every season, allowing you to boost your energy and make better choices without sacrificing taste.

Tough times never last, tough people do

Growing up just steps away from the slopes in Park City, Utah, Steven Holcomb’s Olympic dreams started early. Today, the 32-year-old Holcomb pilots the four-man bobsled crew nicknamed the “Night Train” and is considered one of the most successful bobsled drivers in U.S. history.

Plugged in, tuned out: Teen distraction increases pedestrian accidents

From dating to driving to curfews, there’s a lot to worry about if you have a teenager. You want to keep your child safe and likely have talked about distracted driving and avoiding texting while behind the wheel, but technology can be distracting while walking, too. More teens are plugged in and tuning out to the world around them. An alarming 39 percent were observed typing on a phone, and 39 percent were wearing headphones while crossing the road according to a new report.

Turn your tax refund into savings

Millions of Americans get a refund on their taxes each year. If you are one of them, why not use part of your refund to save for the future with a Series I Savings Bond from the U.S. Department of the Treasury? You can invest as little as $50 in this affordable, safe and convenient savings option, which can help you meet your long-term savings goals and build a brighter future.