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Watch out for this Social Security scam

Social Security Commissioner Martin O’Malley advised Americans not to fall “this stunt” regarding a cost-of-living adjustment.

CDC: Vaccines prevent more than 700,000 child deaths in the US

Measles remains a stubborn adversary, with more than 129 cases so far this year, a federal agency said on Thursday. Most of the U.S. measles cases are linked to unvaccinated travelers from abroad, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said.

WikiLeaks soldier changing name from Bradley to Chelsea

Bradley Manning, former U.S. soldier who is serving 35 years in prison for turning over classified files to WikiLeaks, can change the name Bradley to Chelsea to reflect her desire to be treated as a woman, a Kansas judge ruled.

Legally blind man sees with ‘bionic eye’

Diagnosed with a degenerative eye disease as a teen, Roger Pontz has been almost completely blind for years. Today, thanks to a high-tech procedural implantation of a “bionic eye,” he is able to see the world anew.

Health care site users urged to change passwords as precaution

Officials are requesting that Healthcare.gov users reset their passwords after an internal review by the Department of Homeland security flagged the site as possibly being vulnerable to a Heartbleed exploit.

Pope Francis pleads for peace as world observes Easter

Marking Christianity’s most hopeful day, Pope Francis made an Easter Sunday plea for peace and dialogue in Ukraine and Syria, for an end to terrorist attacks against Christians in Nigeria and for more attention to the hungry and neediest close to home.

Recovering heroin addict starting over — at age 21

In many ways, Cody Lewis represents the changing face of heroin in America. He is in his 20s, lives in the suburbs and graduated to heroin after years of getting high with other drugs. “My whole existence,” he says, “was just finding ways to get high.”