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Airline confirms plane with 162 aboard missing

An AirAsia flight from the Indonesian city of Surabaya to Singapore lost contact with air traffic control on Sunday, Indonesian media said, citing a Transport Ministry official. The airline, described as a budget carrier, confirmed that flight QZ 8501 had lost contact with 162 aboard.

Nevada coyote hunting contest stirs opposition

A coyote hunting contest on Saturday drew howls of protest from animal welfare advocates. Activists branded the contest as unethical and say they’ll push for legislation to ban similar events in Nevada in the future.

Tears mark 10th anniversary of Indian Ocean tsunami

A packed train in Sri Lanka that was swept off the tracks by waves as big as elephants. A boat patrolling off Thailand’s shore hurled more than a mile inland. Streets in Indonesia turned into roaring rivers that carried people to their deaths.

Customers flock to Vegas Walgreens, honor slain clerk

A Las Vegas Walgreens was packed with customers early Saturday afternoon, one day after a store employee was shot and killed by an armed robber.

Flagstaff police officer, suspect killed in shootout

A 24-year-old police officer and a suspect died after a shootout Saturday afternoon. Officer Tyler Stewart, 24, died at Flagstaff Medical Center after he was shot by a suspect in a domestic-violence case, police said.

Vegas police seek help finding man who robbed CVS

Las Vegas police are seeking the public’s help Saturday in identifying a man in connection with a robbery in the central valley.

Scientists searching for ways to make Christmas trees last longer

The presents are unwrapped. The children’s shrieks of delight are just a memory. Now it’s time for another Yuletide tradition: cleaning up the needles that are falling off your Christmas tree.

Somali with $3 million U.S. bounty on head surrenders

MOGADISHU — A leader of Somali Islamist group al Shabaab, who has a $3 million U.S. bounty on his head, has surrendered, a Somali government official and local media said on Saturday, although the militants said he had long left their organization.

Vegas cop killings, Bundy standoff among top 10 news stories for 2014

A shooting rampage that left two Las Vegas police officers, a good Samaritan and the two attackers dead, a standoff between the feds and a Southern Nevada rancher, the legalization of gay marriage in the Silver State, and a political storm that left Republicans in charge of the Legislature and all state offices topped the news in 2014.

Downtown vehicle fire hospitalizes one person

Authorities were dispatched to railroad tracks behind the Smith Center for Performing Arts about 8:30 a.m., the fire department said.

Hundreds of cops turn their backs on New York mayor

The reaction from officers watching Officer Rafael Ramos’ funeral on giant TV screens followed comments from police union officials who had said Mayor Bill de Blasio contributed to a climate of mistrust that contributed to the killings of the two New York Police Department officers.

What went wrong with Nevada’s Obamacare exchange?

The latest version of the exchange, launched Nov. 15 via the federal healthcare.gov site, works well, but hundreds of residents still lack insurance they paid for, and a lawsuit looms in early 2015.