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Before heading to snowy climes, review basics of winter driving

Spend most of the year driving the usually ice-free, almost always snow-free roads of Southern Nevada and being forced to drive on snow- and ice-covered roads outside of town can be scarier than participating in a bumper car free-for-all at the carnival.

Help for Thanksgiving procrastinators

Judging from the phone calls we got on Wednesday, a lot of people didn’t plan for Thanksgiving until pretty much the very last minute. Uh-oh.

Here’s Thanksgiving without all the fuss

Two Las Vegas restaurants have put their own spin on the year’s biggest food feast.

Costa di Mare offers tasting-menu options

Wynn Las Vegas’ signature seafood restaurant, Bartolotta Ristorante di Mare, was reborn as Costa di Mare Oct. 19, following the departure of chef Paul Bartolotta and “arrival” of Wynn veteran chef Mark LoRusso, late of the Wynn/Encore restaurants Tableau and Botero, and former executive chef of Aqua at Bellagio.

Obama reassures Americans it’s safe to travel for Thanksgiving — VIDEO

President Barack Obama sought to reassure Americans they are safe on Wednesday as millions of people embarked on their annual Thanksgiving travels, with security at airports, New York City’s parade festivities and other venues expected to be heightened amid jitters after the Paris attacks.

You may be able to breathe new life into slow computer

As time begins to wear on a computer and it becomes slower and slower, the option that comes to mind is simply replacing it. But experts say instead of costly replacements there are steps people can take to ensure a faster and more-efficient machine.

How clean is Las Vegas’ water?

The Las Vegas Valley Water District said it conducted 320,000 analyses on more than 55,000 water samples from Lake Mead and other storage reservoirs.