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This simple diet flex can lower risk of heart disease

What if a simple tweak to your diet could significantly reduce your risk of heart disease without requiring you to go entirely meat-free?

Is there an optimal time of day to work out?

It’s a long-standing discussion for all who want to get into shape. When is the best time to exercise? Morning and evening workouts both have their benefits.

What helps wounded Iraq war vets can help boomers

Diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury and post traumatic stress after surviving rocket attacks in Iraq, retired Air Force Major Anthony Jones says the kind of injuries he received should not be treated only will pills, but also with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, exercise and engagment in the world.

Near suicide, nursing executive found reason to live

Diagnosed at age 21 with temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ — she’d awaken with her jaw locked open — Debra Fox, the chief nursing officer at UMC, took a journey through hell as doctors tried to fix hinges that connected her jaw to the temporal bones of her skull.

How baby boomers can make money off their depreciating cars

Rob Khadivian has found a way to supplement his retirement income — by renting out his car. If you’re not too emotionally attached to your car and see it as a money-maker, he says it makes sense.

Boomers in Las Vegas are no stranger to philanthropy

Swadeep Nigam, a Las Vegas Valley Water District financial analyst who was appointed to the Nevada Equal Rights Commission by Gov. Brian Sandoval, had earmarked some of his saving for scholarships for graduates of Clark County Schools. He says you don’t have to be wealthy to make a difference in the lives of young people.