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Brain health awareness growing, but action lacking

A 2024 brain health survey revealed a gap between thinking about brain health and taking steps to reduce risk or slow the progress of memory issues.

Retired Las Vegas dealer returns to deal WSOP for 41st time

Alex Christoff didn’t know it at the time, but his lifelong romance with poker and gambling had been written in the cards — or at least in the whir-and-clang of a slot machine — by the time he was just 12 years old.

Work out in your own home

Everyone appreciates convenience, and nothing is more convenient than having an exercise room in your home: no more running outside in 110-degree heat to drive to the gym just to work up a sweat.

Intense sunlight can damage grapes

Q: I need confirmation of a problem with my grapes. A gardening Facebook group is certain my grape berries have thrip damage this year. I sent you a picture to confirm it or not.

Hard surface floors need a little cover-up

“Great is the art of beginning, but greater the art is of ending.” — Longfellow (1807–1882), American poet and professor, Elegiac Verse (1881)