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This simple diet flex can lower risk of heart disease

What if a simple tweak to your diet could significantly reduce your risk of heart disease without requiring you to go entirely meat-free?

Is there an optimal time of day to work out?

It’s a long-standing discussion for all who want to get into shape. When is the best time to exercise? Morning and evening workouts both have their benefits.

GOP leaders pull vote on latest health care bill

Facing assured defeat, Republican leaders decided Tuesday not to even hold a vote on the GOP’s latest attempt to repeal the Obama health care law, surrendering on their last-gasp effort to deliver on the party’s banner campaign promise.

GOP bill to repeal Obamacare appears doomed after key senator defects

A Republican bill to repeal Obamacare appeared doomed late Monday when Sen. Susan Collins said she would vote against the measure despite last-minute revisions and a hearing held to sway reluctant GOP lawmakers.

John McCain says ‘no’ to health care bill

Sen. John McCain said on Friday that he would vote against a new Republican bill to dismantle Obamacare if it is brought onto the Senate floor next week, in a new setback for the proposal.

McCain says ‘no’ to health care bill, putting outcome in doubt

A Republican bill to repeal Obamacare appeared in doubt Friday when Sen. John McCain announced he would vote against the legislation because it lacked bipartisan consensus and because of the unknown consequences on families.

GOP health-care bill will cut funding to 34 states, analysis finds

A Republican bill to repeal Obamacare and redistribute federal funds in block grants would take money from 34 states — including Nevada — over the first seven years, according to an analysis released Wednesday.

Senate bill would extend funding for Children’s Health Insurance Program

A bipartisan bill to extend funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program was filed in the Senate ahead of a Sept. 30 deadline to keep federal dollars flowing to states for health care that covers 8.9 million children nationally, including 25,000 in Nevada.