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40 ways to save for holiday shopping

Though gift-giving will still be a major part of the holiday season, it seems like everyone is looking for ways to spread cheer while saving money.

11 industries doing the most hiring

See which industries are bouncing back the quickest and adding thousands of jobs to the American economy.

25 tips for online car buying during the pandemic

The COVID-19 crisis has compelled virtually every major automaker to expand their online offerings to the point that you can now research, select, test drive, negotiate for and purchase virtually any new car without leaving your home. Here?s what to keep in mind when buying a car.

10 best stores Halloween costumes on the cheap

Like most everything else in 2020, Halloween is going to be a lot different. The one thing that won’t change is dressing up in costume — a time-honored tradition that’s still safe even amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

15 jobs drastically different as the economy reopens

Even as the economy reopens in many places across the U.S., health and safety regulations have changed the landscape of the American workplace. Many jobs — such as event planning and catering — have been almost entirely wiped off the map. And for others, the way they function may never be the same.

What does it cost to become president of the United States?

The 2020 presidential election will be the most expensive in history. Spending in the race between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden is expected to be nearly $11 billion.

Most expensive version of everything

For even for middle- and upper-middle-class Americans, there are some precious things that just are not generally attainable.

Worst things bosses made their employees do

There’s no shortage of bad bosses. Some aren’t meant to be supervisors. But some make conditions at work so unbearable, their employees would rather resign and live off their emergency funds.

Shopping choices: 15 times to splurge, settle or skip

Having a decision-making system to help you figure out these sorts of purchasing conundrums is a great way to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money and avoiding unnecessary expenditures.

100 moves to work smarter from home

Although many have now spent months working remotely, you might still be struggling to adjust to the new normal. And with many working from home for the foreseeable future, it’s not too late to take steps to optimize that experience.

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How clean is Las Vegas’ water?

The Las Vegas Valley Water District said it conducted 320,000 analyses on more than 55,000 water samples from Lake Mead and other storage reservoirs.