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EDITORIAL: Biden’s sea of red ink

The CBO said that it expects this year’s federal deficit to hit $2 trillion, almost $400 billion higher than the original estimate it released — and Biden boasted about — earlier.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The ‘woke’ got what they wanted — and then what?

The “woke” movement was giddy after Jan. 20, 2021. The Left controlled both houses of Congress. Joe Biden was drafted as the necessary veneer of 1980s Democratic normality to ram through an otherwise hard Left agenda.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Third-worldizing America

In a recent online exchange, the YouTuber Casey Neistat posted his fury after his car was broken into and the contents stolen. Los Angeles, he railed, was turning into a “3rd-world s-hole of a city.”

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The ignoble lie

“Noble lies” are rarely spun for anyone’s interests other than those of the liars themselves.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: America and ‘the dying citizen’

Some elites believe the Founders’ Constitution is in dire need of radical deletions and alterations to fit their own utopian visions.