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For Las Vegas business news covering casinos, energy, housing, entrepreneurs and more turn to Las Vegas Review-Journal.

What every homeowner should know about property taxes

Whether you’re gearing up to be a first-time homeowner or you’ve purchased a home before, it’s critical you consider how much your property taxes will cost.

What happens to your debt when you die?

A number of factors dictate what happens to debt when you die, including whether anyone co-signed on the loan, if the debtor had assets at death and what type of debt they held. The laws also vary from state to state.

Should workers be required to take time off?

Vacation time helps workers recover from stress and improve their well-being and job performance, according to the American Psychological Association.

Victim of unemployment fraud? Here’s what to do

Unemployment fraud in the U.S. has reached dramatic levels during the pandemic — the Labor Department inspector general’s office estimates that more than $63 billion has been paid out improperly through fraud or errors since March 2020.

6 reasons why it’s so difficult to get out of debt

Getting out of debt isn’t easy. It requires a lifestyle shift. Sometimes, you have to make a small change in the way you handle your finances — and sometimes a big one.

Steps for leaving an abusive relationship with no money

“Like all abuse, financial abuse takes a lot of forms, but it’s all controlling behavior — power and control,” said Casey Harden, General Secretary of World YWCA . “Imagine tightening the reins on the financial condition of the home, so that there’s limited options.”

Las Vegas Average Gas Prices
Source: AAA