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Phyllis Smith goes for the joy even in Sadness

The 74-year-old actor gets emotional about returning to the role of Sadness in the much-anticipated sequel “Inside Out 2.”

Local author’s fantasy series comes to small screen

Over the years, it’s been pretty easy to marginalize the fantasy genre. After all, aside from the occasional Hollywood blockbuster, the closest the sword-and-sorcery set usually gets to the mainstream is the songs of Ronnie James Dio and the murals on the sides of custom vans.

Binion movie paints sympathetic portrait of Sandy Murphy

If there’s one thing wrong with TV — other than the fact that there’s still not a Tina Fey Channel — it’s this: My attention span has been obliterated. Seriously, sometimes I’ll just trail off in the middle of a …

Las Vegas chef’s ‘Project’ chokes up viewers, participants

You may not guess it from looking at me, but I’m not that interested in food. Especially not on TV, where the Food Network seems to be all about cuisine this and fusion that. (For the record, the only cuisine I’ve eaten had the word “lean” in front of it, and the closest I get to fusion is ordering fries with my quesadilla at Del Taco.)

Networks remaking shows from across the pond

Forget the housing meltdown, the crisis on Wall Street and the fact that banks are failing faster than Hugh Hefner’s relationships. The surest sign America is in trouble? Even our TV shows are being outsourced.