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What can be done to help ailing gardenia?

Gardenias have similar needs as roses. Their health and growth respond best to wood chip mulch decomposing on the soil surface.

Alternative healing methods include reiki, acupuncture and music programs

The new year brings with it new opportunities to make lifestyle adjustments. While many individuals pursue physical fitness, some turn to alternative healing methods to keep a healthy mind and spirit.

Grant helps expand childhood cancer follow-up care at clinic

The Children’s Specialty Center provides treatment to children with blood disorders and cancer regardless of their ability to pay for services. A recent grant from the nonprofit St. Baldrick’s Foundation awarded $245,000 to the center to expand its Long-Term Follow-Up Clinic, which provides follow-up care for childhood cancer survivors up to age 40.

Holly Daze event gives mental health tips for traversing holiday season

The holidays are supposed to be filled with good cheer, but for some it can be tough to smile. On Nov. 20, the Southwest Medical Associates Lifestyle Center-West hosted a Holly Daze open house to discuss combating seasonal affective disorder, or what some refer to as a depressive state known as “the holiday blues.”

Healing her heart: Genetic condition had 17-year-old getting a pacemaker

Kat Doyle’s early life was filled with dancing and school activities, until the day she went to the doctor for pink eye at 17. The nurse practitioner who saw her noticed that Doyle had a heart murmur and ran an EKG. Doyle, who’d experienced moments of lightheadedness and heart arrhythmia, underwent open heart surgery and had a pacemaker placed in her chest.

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