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What can be done to help ailing gardenia?

Gardenias have similar needs as roses. Their health and growth respond best to wood chip mulch decomposing on the soil surface.

Friendship finds a way: southwest hospice volunteer, patient share life, laughter

Hospice volunteers usually expect to lose patients within six months. Betsy Burnett, a veteran volunteer, was used to this. Her current patient, Elizabeth “Betty” Twohey, who is 104, did not follow the trend. She has been in hospice care for five years.

Las Vegas surgeon continues to provide care for uninsured

Las Vegas surgeon Kevin Petersen often hears that good hard-working people fall through the government’s health care safety net. That is why he continues Helping Hands Surgical Care, a nonprofit that has a half-dozen doctors performing surgeries at no cost to the uninsured.

We need a clearer picture of Lasik

Every time I hear sports talk show host Paul Howard selling LASIK eye surgery – it only took him a few painless minutes to acquire 20-15 vision – I think of a woman I wrote about in Texas who lost her sight from a laser procedure. Her emotional appeal to me to let people know that such surgery is not without risk has stayed with me.

Versatile dumbbells can help build many muscle groups

A line of dumbbells at the gym start out harmlessly enough, at 5 pounds. A few steps down the line, you’ll spot the 20s and 30s, then the 60s, and before you know it you’re at the 140-pounders thinking, why bother?
I’ll show you why gyms provide a variety of dumbbells.

Dental health linked to eating, brushing habits

They have stuck with us through a lifetime of bad habits – the downing of sugary sodas, ice-chomping, pen-chewing, smoking, all-night bleaching. It’s a wonder they didn’t pull up roots and make a run for it long ago.
But advances in oral health care have made it likely that today’s middle-agers will grow into their twilight years with the same teeth they’ve had since grade school.

Las Vegas man aims to prevent repeat of sickly fate

Outside Henry Chanin’s office at The Meadows School is the golf cart he must use to move around campus.
It is a reminder of one way the hepatitis C he acquired in 2006 during a colonoscopy at Dr. Dipak Desai’s Desert Shadow Endoscopy Center has changed his life.