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Brain health awareness growing, but action lacking

A 2024 brain health survey revealed a gap between thinking about brain health and taking steps to reduce risk or slow the progress of memory issues.

Glamping brings luxury into camping

Glamping is camping in comfort, with accommodations as good or better than home. Glampers draw closer to nature while staying connected to technology, eating fine cuisine and sleeping in soft beds.

Difficult part of adding phone jack is running cable

There is an easy way and a hard way to do add a telephone jack. The easy way is to buy a wireless telephone jack and plug it into an electrical outlet. The hard way is to buy the hardware, cut a hole in the wall and run the line.

Rabbits can kill tree by eating trunk

If rabbits ate the trunk of a tree in a complete circle around the trunk, it’s a goner. Let it sucker from the bottom and start a new tree from the suckers.

Wet spring, hot summer a perfect combination for pests

As the weather heats up, homeowners are seeing an escalation of ants and cockroaches in search of water, which, in turn, brings out predator pests like spiders and scorpions to feed on them.

Put your creative stamp on inherited items

Inheriting treasures from a loved one can be a win/win for all concerned. Changing the color or upholstery does not diminish your feelings for your loved ones or their possessions. You are simply putting your stamp on them.

Lie like a rug

An area rug can be an art piece that adds dazzle to a drab room or a blank canvas that highlights unique pieces in the room. There are a wide variety of materials, designs, heights and colors to choose from, and each requires

Fixing double-tapped circuit breaker is straightforward

When adding a circuit breaker or tandem breaker, you must prioritize safety first. You will be working inside your main electrical panel and if you lack experience at this, you may want to call in a professional.

Woodchips should be used as mulch not amendment

Adding woodchips to the soil as an amendment has gained popularity largely because of social media. Woodchips applied to the soil surface as a mulch is OK, but mixing these into the soil can lead to problems if you aren’t careful.