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What can be done to help ailing gardenia?

Gardenias have similar needs as roses. Their health and growth respond best to wood chip mulch decomposing on the soil surface.

‘Women in Blue’ gives readers a taste of police herstory

Police in petticoats. That doesn’t seem like it would have much authority, does it? Back in the late 1800s, that was what female police officers were called. They were also called guardettes and copettes before everyone pretty much settled on “matrons,” but no matter what anyone called them, those women did the same work as the men. Sometimes, they did more.

Artists’ childhoods revealed in new book

Ever since you can remember, you’ve always loved to draw. Lots of kids do, but while “Not every kid grows up to be a greatartist,” says David Stabler, “…every great artist starts out as a kid.”

Book takes a jaunt through ‘125 Wacky Roadside Attractions’

So your family’s decided to take a last-minute vacation or maybe an after-school-starts weekend getaway. Sounds fun, but where will you go? If you’re not sure yet, “125 Wacky Roadside Attractions” by National Geographic Kids has some great ideas.

Author explores his mother’s role in Civil Rights Movement

Starting when his subject was roughly the same age as his intended readers, Loki Mulholland tells the little-known story of his mother, Joan Trumpauer Mulholland, and the unsung work she did for Civil Rights.

‘Brave Like Me’ celebrates the challenges of military families

Your mom or dad isn’t home right now. They won’t be home for supper tonight, either, because they’re serving their country inthe Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard. That makes you a military kid, which means you need to be very brave.