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What can be done to help ailing gardenia?

Gardenias have similar needs as roses. Their health and growth respond best to wood chip mulch decomposing on the soil surface.

The theory that was proved correct and put Dr. Dipak Desai behind bars

On February 27, 2008, after announcing at a news conference that tens of thousands of Southern Nevadans would have to be tested for hepatitis C and HIV, the young man who’d never been the focus of public attention would find himself thrust into the public eye for years.

Cooking with cannabis: Essence Vegas invites chefs, chocolatiers to share tips in Welllness workshop

With medical marijuana dispensaries opening throughout Clark County, Essence Vegas is hosting Wellness Wednesdays to educate patient card holders about a number of topics. In its biweekly workshop on June 15, chefs talked about edible products, explaining how to cook cannabis, properly measure baked goods so they have an even dose and what goes into infusing butter with cannabis.

Number of mosquitoes carrying encephalitis jumps in Las Vegas

A sharp increase in mosquitoes carrying the St. Louis encephalitis virus has been identified by the Southern Nevada Health District’s Vector Surveillance Program.

Florida shootings put spotlight on blood donations

Blood donations in Florida poured in as social media prompted a discussion on blood shortages and federal guidelines that prevent many gay men from donating.

Tourism officials promote Las Vegas at LA Pride event

Hundreds of thousands of people celebrated LGBT Pride month in Los Angeles over the weekend — a golden opportunity for Las Vegas tourism officials to promote the city.

Watching buildings fall on the Strip another excuse to party

Part Woodstock, part Burning Man, part kids’ birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese, Las Vegas casino implosions are a form of targeted destruction embraced more enthusiastically here than maybe anyplace else.