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Learn how grip training can aid your longevity

An enormous body of research links better grip strength in midlife and beyond to decreased risk of overall mortality.

Rescuers say rabbits are being dumped in abundance across Las Vegas Valley

Easter has come and gone, but all through the Las Vegas Valley are furry reminders of the fully grown pets that are now more than one can handle. Once the holiday novelty of owning a bunny wears off, many people take to the streets to dump their high-maintenance pets in hope they adapt to the wild or find a new home.

Las Vegas bar regular, 92, tips one back every eve among friends

Bud Woehrle spent 23 years running two bars he and his wife owned in Los Angeles. Now, at 92, he’s spent nearly as long hanging out on the other side of a bar as a regular patron at Boulder Station.

When parents miss red flags, burden falls on teachers, schools to catch mental health issues

When children struggle with mental health, it can be difficult to notice. Sometimes, it’s shrugged off as normal teenage angst or behavioral battles, but other times, the internal war becomes a violent and physical combat sending children to the hospital. If parents and caretakers don’t see warning signs or shrug them off, school officials could be a student’s only safeguard.