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Learn how grip training can aid your longevity

An enormous body of research links better grip strength in midlife and beyond to decreased risk of overall mortality.

Forget stigma, boomers: Get tested for hepatis C

While it’s possible the government’s position on transmission of hepatitis C among boomers may have resulted in less testing, it’s critical today boomers forget any fears of stigma and get the easy blood test.

Estate planning can save your family plenty of money and heartache later

Jay Larsen, an attorney who specializes in estate planning, said the worst thing baby boomers can do is to let estate planning fall by the wayside. Much of what you wanted to leave to family can get eaten up in attorney fees.

Nurses need to think ethically

If you watch cable TV, there’s a good chance you’ve watched “Nurse Jackie,” the Showtime hit series about an emergency room nurse who abuses a wide array of prescription drugs.

America’s big, fat, bleakdreading

As she finished the hot dog and Baby Ruth bar she was eating inside the convenience store, the rotund young mother made breakfast for her two little ones.

No matter the trip, always buckle up

On this morning I did it again. And I did it even after talking with Kelly Thomas Boyers the day before.

Patients’ trust still matters to Las Vegas doctor

Even after 30 years as a physician – Dr. Marietta Nelson now runs The Eye Clinic of Las Vegas – she finds the doctor-patient relationship awe-inspiring.
Never, she says, can she take lightly that someone entrusts his own or his child’s well-being to her.

Pedaling the way to go for Las Vegas tailor

“It can be tough when you rely on a bike for transportation,” says Las Vegas tailor Michael Starks. “I ended up on the hood of a car when somebody turned on me,” he said. ” I got hurt pretty bad, just skinned and bruised, but it took me about a week to feel better.”
Even so, Starks says, he might never drive a car again.