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Learn how grip training can aid your longevity

An enormous body of research links better grip strength in midlife and beyond to decreased risk of overall mortality.

Tall Club convention gathers people who stand out by standing above

The first rule of Tall Club: You must be tall. For women, that’s 5 feet 10 inches or more. Men have to stand at least 6 feet 2 inches. Second rule of Tall Club: That’s it. There are no more rules.

Muslims seek to gain control of appetites, life during Ramadan

Ramadan, the monthlong Islamic religious observance that began last week, is multitextured and multilayered. Its focus is directed both inwardly, as believers strive to improve themselves and become closer to God, and outwardly, in helping others.

‘Priscilla’: Another market misread

“Priscilla Queen of the Desert” turned out to be a very bad idea with a good one still wrapped inside its dress. At least, Broadway fans should hope so.

Sorry, Dr. Freud, sense-seeking may not solve much

The Freudian Mystique is culturally pervasive. People come to therapy hoping to find that dramatic flash of insight. That “ah-ha” moment when they can say “That’s it! That’s the reason! I bite my fingernails as a compensation for my mother’s ‘rejecting, withholding breast,’ at which I did not have a nurturing experience!”

Water Cooler: Pop culture fun

Here are a few pop culture tidbits that caught our eye last week.

Cedar Breaks a scenic marvel in Utah high country

Summer and fall are brief but glorious seasons in Southern Utah’s high country, where snow blankets the forests nearly half of the year. Cedar Breaks National Monument, located atop a 10,600-foot plateau, draws more than a half-million visitors during the few months a year that it is open.