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What can be done to help ailing gardenia?

Gardenias have similar needs as roses. Their health and growth respond best to wood chip mulch decomposing on the soil surface.

Las Vegas sneakerheads foster culture of footwear and community

It was 1985 and two years into Michael Jordan’s run as the greatest basketball player of all time. A new shoe hit the market, and with one logo, a culture that would outlast any player’s career was born.

Women head to backyard ‘she sheds’ for private time

A quiet spot for mindful meditation. A place to pull pottery or fill scrapbooks. A cozy corner for binge-watching your favorite television shows. There isn’t much that can’t be done in what has been dubbed a “she shed.”

Controlling ant nests can help stymie spread of aphids

Aphids are on fruit trees, roses, winter vegetables and other landscape plants. They love cool nights but warm daytime temperatures for feeding and breeding. Their feeding causes new leaves to curl on the edges and glistening, sugary sap on leaves.

Dog furniture runs the gamut of style, price

Susie and Angie are fast approaching middle age, unmarried and still living at home, but that’s fine with me. They’ll always be precious family members.