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Watch out for this Social Security scam

Social Security Commissioner Martin O’Malley advised Americans not to fall “this stunt” regarding a cost-of-living adjustment.

Baby born with AIDS virus may be cured, tests suggest

Doctors now have convincing evidence that they put HIV into remission, hopefully for good, in a Mississippi baby born with the AIDS virus — a medical first that is prompting a new look at how hard and fast such cases should be treated.

Stud needed to install grab bar

Q: My father nearly slipped and fell in the shower. I want to install a grab bar to help prevent this from happening again. The shower is average in size and has ceramic tile on the walls. Any suggestions?

Small splashes of color add flavor of fall

DEAR GAIL: I moved to Las Vegas in May from Vermont and fall was my favorite season before the bitter color of our snow-filled winter, which is the reason I moved here. I was surrounded by the amazing fall colors outside. I know fall is a bit different here, so I’d like to do some simple things to bring the outside I so enjoyed inside. What are your favorite things to do? — Gloria

Pomegranates can vary in color – inside and out

Q: I planted a pomegranate tree two years ago and this year it produced six fruits. One was of decent size while the others were on the small side. When the large one split, I picked it only to find the inside was light pink. The seeds were well-developed but not the expected red color.

Victorian-era sewers toyed with fabrics

Our Victorian ancestors made many of the toys their children played with. Inexpensive printed fabrics were designed to be cut out and sewn into dolls, games or toys. The fabric usually pictured all the parts of a colorful toy. There also were printed instructions explaining how to assemble the pieces and, if necessary, how to stuff it.

Have it your way

Burger King isn’t the only one that will let you have it your way. More and more home furnishing and accessory manufacturers are offering the option of customizing their designs.

Catholics celebrate school’s first anniversary

A procession of priests, nuns, Knights of Columbus and parishioners followed the bishop Sunday morning as he led them from Mass to the fledgling Catholic school next door.

William, Kate christen Prince George in London

Dressed in a lace gown designed in the 1840s and doused with water from the River Jordan, 3-month-old Prince George, third in line to the British throne, was christened Wednesday in London.