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Phyllis Smith goes for the joy even in Sadness

The 74-year-old actor gets emotional about returning to the role of Sadness in the much-anticipated sequel “Inside Out 2.”

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July 8

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Style Scoop

Summer fashion solutions for the office

Most office jobs in Las Vegas pose quite the fashion dilemma during scorching-hot summer months. You’ve got temperatures outside that have weathermen using the sidewalk as a skillet and overzealous air-conditioner operators who turn the indoors into something reminiscent of Antarctica.

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Steph MacKenzie-Foster, co-host of 97.1 The Point “Foxx and MacKenzie” and Mrs. Las Vegas

She Serves Style with Those Shakes

You may know her best for her milkshake – the one that brought all the boys to the yard — but these days Kelis looks more likely to sip from a dainty cup of tea than a fast-food beverage. Rest assured, her shakes are still intact; they’re just served with a little more taste this time around.