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What to do if you find a lost tortoise

If you have Ring or Nextdoor, you’ve likely seen one of your neighbors reporting a lost, or found, tortoise in your community. Here’s what to do next.

What can be done to help ailing gardenia?

Gardenias have similar needs as roses. Their health and growth respond best to wood chip mulch decomposing on the soil surface.

Summer road trip? Better check myriad of quarantines

Families trying to squeeze in a summer vacation before school starts better do some homework on COVID-19 restrictions before loading up the minivan.

More help coming, but $600 unemployment bonus will shrink first

A second economic rescue package is on the horizon, one that will likely include another stimulus check, funding for small businesses and schools, additional jobless benefits and more. But as lawmakers debate the finer points, a critical provision of the first relief package is set to expire.

16 brilliant ways to get the best grocery store deals

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans spend $4,363 on food eaten at home every year — which is roughly 6% of the average person’s pretax income.

Cash, other everyday things wiped out by COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has radically altered nearly every aspect of everyday life that people once took for granted. Activities and commodities that were standard just a handful of months ago have become scarce, if not impossible to access.

Patio covers help beat summer heat

In addition to seeking shade, entertaining and expanding indoor living space are among the other reasons homeowners desire cover for their backyards.

No need to replace door, just threshold

Over time, a threshold can become damaged and need replacement. If you have a gap between the bottom of the door and the threshold, you may be able to avoid replacing the threshold and install a new sweep on the bottom of the door instead.

Bird pecking can indicate fruit is ready to harvest

Plums and pluots improve in flavor when they are kept on the tree longer and harvested closer to their mature date. These fruits are normally harvested from the end of July to the first or second week of August in our climate.

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