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Fig trees need ample water while producing fruit

We are quickly approaching temperatures (and wind) that require watering figs three times a week. The higher temperatures demand more water for production to continue.

50 last-minute Halloween costumes that anyone can DIY

Halloween is just around the corner, and waiting in the shadows is that terrifying moment when you realize you don’t have a costume. Never fear, because creating a unique last-minute Halloween costume is easier — and cheaper — than you think.

Where lost, unclaimed baggage goes to be resold

The store that answers the question “What happens to lost luggage that never gets found?” also happens to be a great place to go bargain shopping online.

11 everyday items to recycle for money

By diverting certain items from the waste stream and keeping them out of landfills, you can also make extra money or help out worthy causes.

14 smart ways to fight soaring price inflation

If you’re looking to stabilize your rising costs, you’re going to have to think a bit differently about the way you shop.

Sharing a Netflix password? It could cost you.

If you have a family member, friend or ex-partner still using your Netflix login, now may be the time to cut them off.

Can Mark Cuban’s pharmacy save you money on prescriptions?

Mark Cuban, the billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks and “Shark Tank” star, has a new online pharmacy that could make your prescription medications more affordable.

How to negotiate rent with 5 genius tactics

In this post, we get into the nuts and bolts of doing just that, even in these dizzying times.

How to avoid student loan forgiveness scams

For many of us, the idea of cutting down our massive student loan debt at the snap of a finger can be an enticing idea.