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Patients’ trust still matters to Las Vegas doctor

Even after 30 years as a physician – Dr. Marietta Nelson now runs The Eye Clinic of Las Vegas – she finds the doctor-patient relationship awe-inspiring.
Never, she says, can she take lightly that someone entrusts his own or his child’s well-being to her.

UC San Diego Health System arrives with purposeful quiet

If you’re looking for a sign of the UC San Diego Health System Nevada Cancer Institute in Las Vegas, you’ll have about as much luck as you would have looking for a sign of Bigfoot.
And that’s just the way new CEO Mickey Goldman wants it – for now.

Doctors should care like Mom did

This will be the first Mother’s Day without my first health care provider. Alzheimer’s took her out in January.
The patient-provider relationship was always excellent: Mom always found a way to give her patients, or rather her children, the attention they deserved.

Symphony Park might get skilled nursing center

A skilled nursing center with the trappings of an urban resort could be the next major addition to Symphony Park in downtown Las Vegas.