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7 years of sex abuse: How Mormon officials let it happen

“The first responsibility of the church in abuse cases is to help those who have been abused and protect those who may be vulnerable to future abuse,” according to the 2010 handbook for Mormon church leaders. But church officials tolerated abuse in at least one family for years.

Arizona priest’s baptisms presumed invalid due to error

Thousands of baptisms performed by a priest who served in Arizona for 16 years are now presumed to be invalid because he used incorrect wording on a subtle but key component of the sacrament, Roman Catholic officials said.

Pope Francis goes to Rome hospital for intestinal surgery

The Vatican said the pope had been diagnosed with “symptomatic diverticular stenosis of the colon,” a reference to a narrowing in the large intestine.

Mormon leader issues plea for members to help end racism

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ president issued another plea for members to help end racism, saying Sunday at the faith’s signature conference that God loves people of all races equally and that it pains him to see Black people suffer prejudice.

Church asks Utah Mormons to wear face coverings in public

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has asked all its members in Utah to wear face coverings when in public, a request that comes as confirmed infections in the state increase.