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Regional Justice Center makes county, taxpayers two-time losers

Remember voting in 1996 for the $120 million bond question that was to help pay for the Regional Justice Center, expand the county jail and expand county juvenile facilities? Sixty-nine percent of Clark County voters approved Question 1 in a low-turnout September primary. Almost 20,000 of us voted for it.

Arbitration costs Clark County $76 million, and the meter is running

Clark County’s costs for the Regional Justice Center construction mess actually are higher than that nearly $53 million arbitration award to AF Construction. From what I can see, Clark County spent at least $76 million in its unsuccessful effort to blame the contractor for delays and cost overruns.

Clark County’s vilification a testament to penny wise, pound foolish

The arbitration decision that concluded Clark County bore the bulk of the blame for the construction fiasco known as the Regional Justice Center paints a dismaying picture of short-sighted decisions dogging the project from start to finish with one main goal: How do we do it on the cheap?

Foster parents maintain hope for Native American baby they want to adopt

Rebecca and Edward Shoemaker have been foster parents for 35 newborns the past five years and were described as “a phenomenal family, a phenomenal resource” for Clark County Department of Family Services. He’s a Las Vegas police officer; she’s a stay-at-home mom who was adopted as a newborn herself. Married for 22 years, they’ve raised a son, 20, and a daughter, 15.

Online gambling stories make case for legalizing, regulating and taxing

When the Washington Post and “60 Minutes” teamed up for news stories portraying online poker players as consumers who need protection from cheats, the impact seemed obvious. The odds of passage of U.S. Rep. Barney Frank’s bill legalizing and regulating online gambling became stronger.

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