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Tale of courtroom romance hard to unravel

Advice to couples with conflicts: Don’t pick a fight with someone who can launch a grand jury probe and subpoena your texts and emails.

Politician deserves credit for devising bills to help the many

Never met Shirley Breeden, but from what I’ve heard, I might have mocked her lack of understanding of issues prior to her 2008 election, when she unseated then-Sen. Joe Heck, a Republican who seemed eminently more qualified although far more conservative.

Independent review necessary to study deadly shootings

If anyone doubted the veracity of the Las Vegas Review-Journal’s “Deadly Force” series, the tragic shooting of the troubled Stanley Gibson on Monday was confirmation of the newspaper’s major findings in November.

Report on lobbyist spending makes a mockery of transparency

Transparency has evolved into one of those words that annoys me. Not because I don’t believe in it, I do, but because so often the transparency sought is never accomplished, and I suspect that’s deliberate.

Commission ethics tit for tat not personal, it’s just business

Clark County Commissioner Tom Collins unintentionally waived the confidentiality provisions of the Nevada Ethics Commission when he mentioned at a commission meeting recently that he has had two long hearings with the ethics panel.

No matter what he does, Josh Reid can’t shake father’s shadow

Henderson’s new city attorney, Josh Reid, has more experience than the guy Henderson hired in 1964 — his father, Harry Reid. The elder Reid, who turns 72 Friday, was fresh out of law school when Henderson hired him for what was then a part-time job.

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