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Arduous road back from brain surgery

So different, yet so much the same. Sally Towey, an 81-year-old Las Vegan, was talking about the ordeals of Gabrielle Dee “Gabby” Giffords and her late daughter, Kim Sullivan.

Seeing the miracle of episodic analgesia

As Andrew Linn sat on a gurney with 4 inches to 6 inches of pole sticking out of his mouth and neck — the 2-inch-diameter metal had been driven through his mouth and out through his neck in a Las Vegas auto accident, he took out his phone and began to text his wife about what had happened.

Las Vegas paramedic rides shotgun as lives start, fade away

“You can never give up on anybody,” says paramedic John Osborn. “You never know who’s going to make it.”
He’ll never forget one who did –a woman who was ejected from her car yet survived when it rolled over her.
Osborn found her walking around in shock. There was a perfect imprint of her body in a farmer’s freshly plowed pasture.

Health care should start with clean hands

It was such a simple act, yet every time the pediatrician did it she managed to reinforce the notion that she had the best interests of my children at heart. Right after she entered the examination room, she washed her hands. Not all health care workers do.