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Citizenship question brings concern for US census undercount

The Trump administration’s decision to add a question to the 2020 census has met with fierce opposition from critics who argue that it will discourage immigrants — legal and undocumented — from participating in the 2020 count of the country’s population.

UNR’s tournament run shows why politics and sports shouldn’t mix

There are lots of things we’re divided on. Democrat vs. Republican. If gender is determined by biology or feelings. Whether the toilet paper roll should go over or under. For a couple brief hours on Thursday, Nevadans united around a common cause — cheering the University of Nevada Reno’s improbable run in the NCAA tournament. It’s exactly why politics and sports shouldn’t mix.

Trump’s veto threat is latest act in White House drama — ANALYSIS

In past White Houses, the removal of a national security adviser would be the culmination of much drama and hand-wringing. Yet President Donald Trump’s decision Thursday to replace H.R. McMaster with former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton was only Act III in another week at the Trump White House.

Denise Hooks on banning weapons, arming school police, NRA

Society should ban military-style weapons, although defining which firearms that includes is a work in progress. That’s according to Denise Hooks, the college student facilitator of March for Our Lives Las Vegas, which is happening on Saturday.

Sylvia Lazos on funding, collective bargaining, school choice

Nevada’s next governor needs to preserve categorical funding for education and give school districts the ability to remove ineffective principals. Universal school choice, however, gives money to well-off families that would be better spent in public schools. That’s according to Education Nevada Now policy director Sylvia Lazos.