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School bus drivers in short supply

Bus drivers are in such short supply for the Clark County School District that the School Board declared a “critical labor shortage” on Thursday.

State investigates testing irregularities at Kelly Elementary School

Not even a quarter of Kelly Elementary School’s fifth-graders read at grade level in the 2010-11 school year. A year later, that more than tripled to 77 percent, according to state test results that spurred more questions than congratulations for the Clark County School District campus.

Sisolak accuses sheriff, union of colluding in contract arbitration

Clark County Commission Chairman Steve Sisolak said Thursday that he suspects Sheriff Doug Gillespie colluded with an arbitrator and the police union to broker a contract agreement with raises before the arbitration hearings even took place.

North Las Vegas has high hopes for shared services agreement

Officials in the recession-racked city of North Las Vegas hope a preliminary shared services agreement announced with the city of Las Vegas Thursday will lead to permanently shared services at a dozen municipal agencies, a move that could save the city millions of dollars in annual staff and administrative costs.

Bikers: Off-camera acts led to NYC driver run-in

Nearly two weeks later, some bikers are suggesting SUV driver Alexian Lien, knowingly or not, instigated the confrontation off-camera earlier by clipping one of the bikes in a rally on the Henry Hudson Parkway in Manhattan.

Sandoval says Nevada can’t afford to pay to reopen federal parks

Faced with the likely shutdown of critical food stamp and child nutrition programs if the partial federal government shutdown continues, Nevada cannot afford to pay to reopen federal parks, the Sandoval administration said Thursday.

Accused HOA mastermind denied second public defender

A federal magistrate has denied a request for a second publicly funded defense lawyer for Leon Benzer, the accused mastermind of the scheme to take over Las Vegas Valley homeowners associations.

Ex-cop waved off bystanders before shooting

A prosecutor says a former police officer waved people out of harm’s way before peppering a federal courthouse in West Virginia with gunfire.

Salvaging roadkill (It’s legal in Montana)? There’s an app for that

Salvaging roadkill for the dinner table is not only legal starting this month in Montana, but state officials plan to let drivers who accidentally kill big game to simply print out permits at home that allow them to harvest the meat. Later on, there will be an app for that.

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