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Street performer sweats it out for tips

Even as Monday’s temperature hit 113 degrees, Adam Reynolds was pacing the sidewalk in front of the Bellagio dressed as a “Star Wars” stormtrooper. Like most Strip performers, Reynolds makes money by posing for pictures with tourists and collecting tips.

Ads target Dean Heller, other GOP senators to sway vote on health care bill

With a critical vote quickly approaching on the Senate health care plan, special interest groups and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee have targeted Republicans like Dean Heller in television advertisements to sway the outcome and possibly kill the bill.

Harvard admissions decision a wake up call for students on social media

Few college-bound kids lose their shot, and their slot, at their dream school once they get in, but it happened at one of the world’s most elite institutions and for a reason that has, until recently, hardly registered in the university admissions process: social media.

Las Vegas couple charged with arson in their own home

A couple was arrested and charged with arson Sunday night for allegedly starting a fire in their own home in west Las Vegas, the Las Vegas Fire Department said.

Driver in fatal Tesla ‘Autopilot’ crash got multiple warnings

A man killed in a crash last year while using the semi-autonomous driving system on his Tesla Model S sedan kept his hands off the wheel for extended periods of time despite repeated automated warnings not to do so, a U.S. government report said Monday.

Segerblom has eye on move to county commission

Nevada’s godfather of marijuana, state Sen. Tick Segerblom, intends to leave the Nevada Legislature to run for a vacant Clark County Commission seat.

American student recently released by North Korea has died

Otto Warmbier, the University of Virginia student who was detained in North Korea for nearly a year and a half, died Monday afternoon, his parents announced.

California mom arrested for attempting exorcism on daughter

A Northern California woman was in custody Sunday on suspicion of beating, biting and choking her 11-year-old daughter in an attempt to perform an exorcism on the child, authorities said.