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Las Vegas police reveal how dummy helped cinch attempted murder charge

Although authorities never found enough evidence to charge Shane Schindler in the deaths of the two men, they caught him on camera attacking the decoy dummy with a hammer in February. Schindler was recently sentenced to eight to 20 years in prison for attempted murder for hammering the dummy.

GOP leaders push for Obamacare repeal over governors’ objection

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused Tuesday to commit to a vote on a last-ditch effort to repeal Obamacare as opponents stepped up their efforts to kill the legislation.

Alleged Washington school shooter pleads not guilty

A 15-year-old boy has pleaded not guilty in a school shooting that left one classmate dead and three wounded in Washington state.

British police make 3rd arrest in London subway attack

British police have arrested a third suspect in connection with the bomb that partially exploded on a London subway last week.

Nevada to stop using de-icer linked to tainted water

Las Vegas water officials believe the road salt made well water for Rainbow Subdivision more corrosive, causing it to leach lead from the plumbing in some older homes.

Senate bill would extend funding for Children’s Health Insurance Program

A bipartisan bill to extend funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program was filed in the Senate ahead of a Sept. 30 deadline to keep federal dollars flowing to states for health care that covers 8.9 million children nationally, including 25,000 in Nevada.

White supremacist ad found on UNLV campus

An advertisement for the white supremacist group Identity Evropa was found on UNLV’s campus Tuesday morning on a book drop near the Cottage Grove Avenue parking garage.

149 dead after 7.1 quake hits near Mexico City — VIDEO

A powerful earthquake shook central Mexico on Tuesday, collapsing buildings in plumes of dust and killing at least 149 people. Thousands fled into the streets in panic, and many stayed to help rescue those trapped.

Clark County gets nearly $1M in withheld DOJ funds

Clark County has received more than $975,000 in public safety grant funds that the Department of Justice withheld in 2016, county spokesman Erik Pappa announced Tuesday.

Las Vegas Metro Chamber to pursue local issues on DC trip

Some 100 business and government leaders representing the Las Vegas Metro Chamber will travel to Washington, D.C., next week to give a local voice to federal projects.