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Wrongful death suit filed in Red Rock shooting

The mother of a man who was shot and killed by two federal rangers near Red Rock Canyon in February has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

World celebrations ring in 2015

After a turbulent year marred by terror woes, Ebola outbreaks and a horrific series of airline disasters, many could be forgiven for saying good riddance to 2014 and gratefully ringing in a new year.

Stampede kills 35, injures 43 during Shanghai NYE celebration

A stampede killed at least 35 people and injured 43 during New Year’s Eve celebrations in Shanghai, on the city’s famed waterfront tourist strip known as the Bund, authorities said.

Mom shot, killed by toddler supported gun rights

Concealed weapons are part of everyday life in Idaho, and that’s unlikely to change in the Mountain West state despite a shocking accident in which a 2-year-old boy reached into his mother’s purse, grabbed her gun and shot her in the head inside a Wal-Mart.

2 dead, drivers stranded in SoCal winter storm

Two people died on a wind-beaten Southern California coastal island and emergency crews rescued more than 100 drivers trapped in the snow-caked mountains outside Los Angeles as a fierce winter storm crept over the region Wednesday.

98 still unaccounted for from burned Greek ferry

Stormy weather in the Adriatic Sea thwarted efforts Wednesday to tow a fire-ravaged ferry to Italy so authorities can investigate the blaze that killed at least 11 people and search the ferry for more possible dead.

Trial delay, move denied in Boston Marathon bomber case

A federal judge on Wednesday denied defense requests to move and delay the start of the trial of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, whose lawyers say they are overwhelmed by hundreds of thousands of pages of documents.

Police suspect domestic violence in Canada mass shooting

Police are investigating what prompted a man to kill six adults and two young children in Edmonton before taking his own life in a horrific rampage described as the western Canadian city’s worst mass shooting.

2 bodies from AirAsia plane crash arrive in Indonesia

The first two bodies from the AirAsia plane that crashed off the coast of Borneo arrived on Wednesday in the Indonesian city of Surabaya, where relatives have gathered to await news of their loved ones.

AirAsia plane found on sea floor, 6 bodies recovered

Indonesia’s search-and-rescue agency has obtained a sonar image it says may be the body of the missing AirAsia jet at the bottom of the Java Sea, the Wall Street Journal said on Wednesday.

2 male actors contract HIV at Nevada porn shoot

Two adult film actors have contracted HIV, with one most likely infecting the other during unprotected sex at a film shoot in Nevada where testing was less stringent than industry standards, officials said.

Penn. man tried to run down cops, was shot and killed

A man who had posted an online video threatening to kill police and FBI agents tried to use his car to run down officers seeking to arrest him on Tuesday so, fearing for their lives, they shot and killed him, authorities said.

Man foretold murder-suicide ‘out of love’ on Facebook

A New Hampshire man walked into his wife’s hospital room early Tuesday, fatally shot her then killed himself, a murder-suicide that he foretold in a candid and emotional Facebook posting to friends and family.

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