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Irony of ESA defeat: Democrats vote to expand school choice

After long insisting that Education Savings Accounts were “vouchers,” a majority of Democrats in both houses of the Nevada Legislature voted to expand a program of private-school choice that resembles vouchers in many ways. And liberal special interests groups applauded them.

Anderson’s answer shows ESAs are coming

It didn’t make the headlines, but if you read between the lines, we found out this week that the Nevada Legislature is going to pass Education Savings Accounts. No special session necessary.

State’s best-funded schools are in poorest neighborhoods

If lawmakers are serious about equity in education funding, they‘ll increase school spending in Nevada’s richest neighborhoods. The highest-income neighborhoods in Clark County receive far less school funding than poorer areas.

The risks of government-funded pre-K

A mega corporation is using skewed research to sell its product to gullible parents. The conglomerate claims to help kids, but its product actually has no effect — or a negative effect — on children’s cognitive skills and social behaviors.