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Commentary: Partisan divide keeps popping up in Supreme Court rulings

It’s not often that President Donald Trump appears more knowledgeable and honest about American jurisprudence than a Supreme Court Justice – any Supreme Court Justice – but on Thanksgiving week, Trump demonstrated a more realistic insight into how political the nation’s top court has become than Chief Justice John Roberts.

Blame game gains steam after man’s arrest in mail bombs — ANALYSIS

Even before authorities apprehended Cesar Sayoc, a 56-year-old Florida man suspected of sending crude pipe bombs to the homes of two former presidents and other top Democrats, Washington insiders assumed the devices were intended not to kill or maim, but to advance a political party or ideology.

Trump’s tricks: How he riles the media while entertaining supporters

Critics often accuse President Donald Trump of using dog-whistles to gin up his conservative base. But really, Trump’s most effective trick is to get TV journalists to attack on demand — as you can see in cable news coverage on the caravan of Central Americans headed toward the U.S. border.

Kavanaugh accuser believable, but can’t corroborate her story

Christine Blasey Ford, the California professor who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in 1982 when they were high school students, came across as genuine and believable as she testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday.

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